Kelloe STW

Project Overview

Early engagement allowed for cultural of collaborative working to be developed leading to optimum solution to be delivered whilst keeping tight cost controls.

The FST package consisted of: 2-OFF ULTRASTORE® Stainless Steel Tanks, fitted with internal launder systems.

Access steelwork: Each tank was fitted with a fully integrated peripheral walkway. Access stairs were provided to gain access from ground level on to the walkway and then from the walkway on to the top of the De-Sludge Chamber.

Half bridge rotating scraper systems.
1-OFF 6.1m high Precast Concrete Desludging Chamber.
1-OFF 4.2m Innovative Distribution Chamber.

As part of our total package solution on top of the supply of the tank wall, Stortec carried out:

  • All necessary ground works.
  • The controlled dismantle of the old Glass Coated Steel Tank.
  • The design and installation of the replacement tank.
  • New Stainless Steel Pipework and valves.
  • Internal sacrificial anodes protection system.
  • A replacement innovative Stainless Steel decant chamber.

Our total package approach is proven to eradicate traditional interfaces and significantly reduce programme and costs.

ESH Stantec JV
End User

Northumbrian Water PLC

  • £525,000.00
  • Final Settlement Tank Package
  • 1-OFF NSAF Tank
  • Final Settlement Tank Package
  • 1-OFF NSAF Tank
  • Final Settlement Tank Package: 6,831mm
  • 1-OFF NSAF Tank: 5,123mm
  • Final Settlement Tank Package: 4,118mm
  • 1-OFF NSAF Tank: 5,518mm
  • Final Settlement Tank Package: 132m³
  • 1-OFF NSAF Tank: 103m³